Friday, April 13, 2012

Books, Books, Books!

Since the first day of first grade, my students have known reading is muy importante!! They have to read everything they get their hands on; books, signs, notes, cereal boxes, anything! To honor said focus, this week we became Book Reviewers! As a class we discussed why we should review books. We came up with several reasons, but the most important was to help other first graders choose books they would probably like. My kiddos are just too smart :) The end result was fabulous! I hung them in our library so that students could read about books their peers reviwqa (all of them gave stellar reviews). Any way to motivate these little ones to read is extremely valuable! It's been a great week, but I'm looking forward to catch up on some house cleaning this weekend... not. However, I am excited for next week! We will be working on everything Earth Day! One of my favorite units, yay!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


We just got back from our trip to Mexico and it was a-ma-zing! We had SUCH a wonderful time relaxing by the beach/pool, and it was delightful to sit and do absolutely nothing all day! Although, Mr. E and I did take quite a liking to the Hunger Games books and pretty much sat in silence as we devoured them (romantic eh?). Needless to say, it was a fabulous time.

As we finished up our Moon Study in class, I told my kiddies to look at the moon over the break. We then discussed how we would all be looking at the same moon and we would somehow be connected while we were away. I tried taking a picture of the moon to show them, but to no avail. It was beautiful, however, a perfectly visible waxing gibbous. On the plane ride home, it was simply stunning as we were flying the red eye home. It did make me feel closer to my firsties, as I hoped they were looking at the same image wherever they were. What a great honeyMOON!!!

P.S. Here's a great Moon Study Kit by Babbling Abby. I wish I would've discovered this earlier! Too fun!